Friday, 07 March 2025
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Fallout 3 Finished in Less Than 24 Minutes for New World Record

Added: 30.06.2014 20:45 | 3 views | 0 comments

As an open-world Bethesda game,

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Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons have Different Audiences

Added: 27.06.2014 10:13 | 15 views | 0 comments

CCC Says: "Those of us heavily invested in our farming games know that the Harvest Moon/Bokujou Monogatari Gate of 2014 has been serious business. There are legions who regularly purchase these installments year after year, with the same kind of fervor and enthusiasm as Call of Duty fanatics (except where they rejoice over new shades of grey and brown, we celebrate new crops and animals). Thus when what will be referred to henceforth as The Split happened, and Marvelous sent what would have been Harvest Moon: Connect to a New World to XSEED to become Story of Seasons, while Natsume prepared their own, internally developed, farming life simulation and dubbed it Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley."


New World of Warcraft Zone Revealed

Added: 24.06.2014 17:26 | 6 views | 0 comments

One of the new areas in Warlords of Draenor is the Tanaan Jungle, which is the first place players will go in the upcoming expansion.


Hands-On With Destiny, Bungies Wild New World | Wired

Added: 18.06.2014 17:13 | 10 views | 0 comments

Wired: So, what is this game? my wife asked. She has played about a million more hours of Halo than me, I should point out. And she knows what Destiny is. (Its the upcoming game from Bungie, Halos original creator, which is coming out for PlayStation 4, PS3, Xbox 360 and Xbox One on September 9.) What we were trying to figure out, as I played an alpha-test version on PS4 over the weekend, was: what type of game is Destiny? How does one describe it? She watched me create a character, customizing the hair and eye color and such. Then the game dropped me immediately into a distinctly Haloesque scenario, although set in a rust-red desert the likes of which Id never seen in Bungies previous series.


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